OT - John Lennon
On 10 Dec 2010 03:23:24 GMT, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Thu 09 Dec 2010 07:50:13p, Mike told us...
>> "Brooklyn1" <Gravesend1> wrote in message
>> ...
>>> That was music?!?!? Those were political statements... if not
>>> for the politics of the time (and Ed Sullivan) it would be
>>> Beatles, who dat? I still can't tell the difference between the
>>> Beatles and the Monkees. None of those Brit groups individually
>>> had a memorable voice and their tunes/arrangements are simplistic
>>> trash. Folks bought into the newness of their threads and hair
>>> style is all, mostly the easily manipulated young peers... their
>>> tailor and hair stylist deserve the credit. But mostly you need
>>> to credit their promotor, the Beatles had no more real talent
>>> than what was shown on the Gong Show. Ed is correct, no death is
>>> more important.
>> Not true. Your death should be a ****ing 7 day holiday
> I think it should be a full year of merriment.
....and drinking something better than crystal palace.
your pal,