JL wrote:
> Mike.. . . . wrote:
>> On Thu, 09 Dec 2010 14:11:05 -0600, Omelet wrote:
>>>> embarrasing
>>> Why? 'cause it reflects reality? <g>
>> God no! Only the US could think that
> *chcukle* there's some logic for you.
> A Brit t.v. show would only be seen as a reflection of Brit culture by
> non Brits?
And other English speaking non Brits with similar "Tabus of savage
Tribes" that "in such matter as Love constrain that True
Love which is born in us; and by this Constraint come
ills of Body and Mind.
Either the Force of Repression carries it, and creates Neuroses and
Insanities; or the Revolt against that Force, breaking forth with
Violence, involves Excesses and
All these Things are Disorders, and against Nature. Now then learn of me the
testimony of History and literature as a great Scroll of Learning. But
the Vellum of the Scroll is
of Man's Skin, and its Ink of his Heart's Blood."
Mr. Joseph Paul Littleshoes Esq.
Domine, dirige nos.
Let the games begin!