Now you can get a Philly cheesesteak in Bahrain.......seriously !!
On Dec 11, 10:01*am, Aussie1 >
> *Anyone* who lauds cheese out of a jar as a gourmet food item is;
> A) delusional, and
> B) they have their tastebuds in their arse.
> Now that I have stated my case to you, troll....... *plonk* you go.
> --
> Peter Lucas * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> Hobart
> Tasmania
What is it with all the old dudes whipping out their shriveled e-peens
and behaving like twelves? How embarrassing for you. Incidentally,
most Philadelphians know Whiz goes on fries, not cheesesteaks.