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JL[_3_] JL[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 376
Default Any squirrel recipes?

Mike.. . . . wrote:
> Following up to Mike.. . . .
>>>Ever see the Peter Sellers movie "The Magic Christian"?

>>fraid not.

> I just watched a scene on Youtube, if it was typical of the film, its as
> typical of british life as an alaskan bear hunter is of the US.

So what do you want? Mary Poppins? George Girl? The Americanization of
Emily? I am rather fond of the Kenneth Branaugh films but i hardly think
of dear old England as all that Shakespearean anymore

Kind Hearts and Coronets?

I have a soft spot for the BBC production of the Benson "Mapp & Lucia"

I suppose an analogy could be made with Shaw and Robert Graves but
ancient Romans speaking with British Accents .... well in that vein
might as well just plop for The Ghormanghast Trilogy as a metaphorically
accurate depiction of GB.

The immemorial stones, brooding in umbra."


Mr. Joseph Paul Littleshoes Esq.

Domine, dirige nos.

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