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Jim Elbrecht Jim Elbrecht is offline
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Default Lard!! The Other White Fat!!

"Michael Kuettner" > wrote:

>"Jim Elbrecht" > schrieb im Newsbeitrag
.. .
>> Mr. Bill > wrote:
>>>Here's a great project for all you lard connoisseurs.

>> Anybody else think something got edited out here;
>> "Buy unsalted pork fat from your butcher and put in the freezer for a
>> few minutes to harden. Place in a heavy Dutch oven or deep frying pan
>> and either cook it in the oven at 300 until nicely melted or do it on
>> top of the stove where you can watch it."
>> I wonder if they were going to say to grind it. I never did- but
>> know some folks who did.

>No. Cut into cubes.

But you wouldn't need to cool it for that,would you? It has been a
long time- but I remember it as pretty firm stuff even at room temp.


>Then there's Grammelschmalz ....

Never heard the term- but Googling found some pages that seemed to
think it was cracklin's and lard. I could eat that.<g>
