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Any squirrel recipes?
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Janet > wrote:
>>In article >, says...
>>>So what do you want?
>> Well, it would be nice if you, as an American, could grasp the major
>>difference between real life, and the entertainment industry. Of course
>>some of your Presidents and politicians have set you a very bad example,
>>but that's no excuse.
>> Janet
> Unfortunately in America, a LOT of our common "sit-com" shows reflect
> life here all too well. Clueless mates and smart arsed children with no
> manners. I often think that the television shows influence them all too
> much....
> Is it any wonder that we expect that British sit-coms do the same?
Or better?
In any way?
Mr. Joseph Paul Littleshoes Esq.
Domine, dirige nos.
Let the games begin!