Sqwertz wrote:
> It's that time of the year where I buy a lot of snack foods we'd
> not normally eat, many of them pickled.
> I haven't bought pickled pigs feet since June of 1988. I tried
> one, got halfway through it, tossed it out the window and gave the
> rest of the quart jar to my neighbor.
> But that was all before my culinary coming of age.
> Armour brand, smallish jars, were on sale for $1.69 this PM, so I
> got another one and ... OK, so they're not really too bad. Could
> use some more meat and less skin.
The Armour brand is sold here. Whatever they use for 'vinegar' is as
harsh as lab-grade acetic acid. But I still buy a jar every couple of
years. Might try pickling a batch at home just for laughs.
> Is there a good brand of these, or are they all pretty much the
> same? I see you can get a gallon jug for $18, but I'd hate to
> gamble on a gallon ;-)
> http://www.simplycajun.com/index.asp...ROD&ProdID=144
> I shouldn't have too much of a problem tracking down the more well
> brands here in Texas.
> -sw