New Stockpot
On 12/13/2010 8:26 PM, sf wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Dec 2010 19:46:43 -0600, Pringles CheezUms
> > wrote:
>> The problem is it never would get to a rolling boil tonite. It came
>> close and have big bubbles coming up the middle of the water but never
>> quite make it to rolling like the old one. There was more water in it,
>> but I let it go for what seemed like plenty of time to get it there.
>> It cooked the spaghetti, but took longer than my old one.
>> What I want to know is that normal for a large pot of this type?
> If your pot is a better quality, it means your walls are thicker so
> that's a factor. Also, a larger pot means more water, which means it
> will take longer to boil. When I use my big pot and fill it with
> water, I put the lid on. For some reason the water boils faster. Try
> using the lid on next time you want to boil water. Oh, yes... did you
> put salt in the water? Salt affects the time it takes for water to
> boil.
Ditto what sf said about using the lid and adding salt, plus make sure
the burner isn't too small for the pot.
Sky, who almost typed "using the salt & adding lid"! <VBG>
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