On Dec 16, 3:08*pm, Melba's Jammin' >
> In article >,
> (Steve Pope) wrote:
> > Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> > > Sqwertz > wrote:
> > >> What's the best lube for the bearings in a lazy Susan?
> > >See if you can find some sewing machine oil. *It's lightweight.
> > I agree. Something like 3-in-1 Oil is waxier than Singer Sewing
> > Machine oil. *I'd use the latter.
> > Steve
> Singer Sewing Machine Oil is what's in my cabinet. *I use it *on my
> Swing-Away can opener occasionally.
> --
> Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> Holy Order of the Sacred Sisters of St. Pectina of Jella
> "Always in a jam, never in a stew; sometimes in a pickle."
> Pepparkakor particulars posted 11-29-2010;http://web.me.com/barbschaller
Isn't there a danger of contaminating food by using sewing machine oil
on a can opener? I use food grade silicone lube.