Do I need/want a wok?
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Posts: 2,727
Do I need/want a wok?
> I'm not much of a cook at all.... but one thing I do
> like is fried potatoes and stir fry type dishes
> I have a nice skillet (probably too small) though.....
> but have wondered if maybe a wok is the better "tool"
> for me?
> Can someone give this neophyte cook some advice on the
Probably not. A good one won't be cheap, is hard to store,
and needs a very hot burner to work properly. You will probably use it
a few times then it will sit in the back of the cupboard till you give
it to Goodwill. (Electric woks are useless, by the way--they don't get
hot enough.)
A few skillets in different sizes will be much more useful.
gloria p
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