Do I need/want a wok?
On Dec 17, 11:25*am, wrote:
> I'm not much of a cook at all.... but one thing I do
> like is fried potatoes and stir fry type dishes
> I have a nice skillet (probably too small) though.....
> but have wondered if maybe a wok is the better "tool"
> for me?
> Can someone give this neophyte cook some advice on the
> advantages of wok vs BIG skillet?
I've had a wok. No big deal. Now I just use a seasoned cast iron
skillet. For everything from scrambled eggs to stir fries. Works
fine. A wok works well if you wish to do a little deep frying;
because of it's shape. You don't need too much oil. Not as much as
in a skillet. But because of it's curvature, you can't put as much
stuff into it for deep frying at once.