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spamtrap1888 spamtrap1888 is offline
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Default Do I need/want a wok?

On Dec 17, 8:25*am, wrote:
> I'm not much of a cook at all.... but one thing I do
> like is fried potatoes and stir fry type dishes
> I have a nice skillet (probably too small) though.....
> but have wondered if maybe a wok is the better "tool"
> for me?
> Can someone give this neophyte cook some advice on the
> advantages of wok vs BIG skillet?

Woks cook fast, and make stir frying easy. I can't imagine stirfrying
in a skillet, which is designed for browning or slow frying. Doesn't
the food fly out as you stir it?

I've had my wok for well over 30 years now -- it was a Taylor & Ng.
Round bottomed, I've always used it on a gas stove, with a ring. Once
everything is chopped and ready, cooking takes only 5-10 minutes.