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aem aem is offline
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Default Do I need/want a wok?

On Dec 17, 8:25 am, wrote:
> I'm not much of a cook at all.... but one thing I do
> like is fried potatoes and stir fry type dishes
> I have a nice skillet (probably too small) though.....
> but have wondered if maybe a wok is the better "tool"
> for me?
> Can someone give this neophyte cook some advice on the
> advantages of wok vs BIG skillet?

Buy a skillet for the potatoes, as Sheldon says. If you really want
to do Asian-style stirfries buy a wok. I've made Chinese stirfries
for decades and it can be done at home, no matter the naysayers.

For your electric stove, buy this one:
Buy the 12-inch size for most home cooking. It has a flat bottom so
you can put it directly on the burner which will be stable and will
maximize heat.

On their website you'll find a video about how to season it.

The main point to remember is not to fear high heat. Set the burner
on high and leave it there. A little smoke is a good thing. If you
temporarily need less heat during the cooking of a dish, move the wok
off to the other front burner but leave the main one on, staying red
hot. Things should sizzle loudly when you put food in the wok and
should continue to sizzle. When you put meat in the wok, spread it
out evenly and let it sear for a couple of minutes before you begin to
stir it around.

Stirfrying is a big subject. Grace Young's books are quite
useful. -aem