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E. Carl Speros
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Default Chocolate Stout??? What's it like?

I saw something (if I remember correctly) a "Double Chocolate Stout". Is
this a potent intense brew like Guinness or a softer maltier type of
dark tipple? Thanks, Carl

After Malvern Hill Pres. Lincoln visited with Gens. Mc Clellen & Sumner
as well as Col. Nugent (Commander of the Irish Brigade.)` A Lt. James.
M. Birmingham, Adjutant of the 88th N. Y. came from a swim in the James
R. & with his underwear drying on his body saw them talking. He ducked
behind some cover to eavesdrop in time to see & hear Pres. Lincoln
(overcome with emotion at the bravery & sacrifice of the Irish Brigade.)
as he lifted a corner of the 69th N. Y.'s flag, kissed it & said "God
bless this Irish flag" From Joseph Bilby's book
"Remember Fontenoy" on the Irish Brigade
Lancaster Civil War Round Table Website Carl
Speros webmaster.