Do I need/want a wok?
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Do I need/want a wok?
On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 10:25:55 -0600,
>I'm not much of a cook at all.... but one thing I do
>like is fried potatoes and stir fry type dishes
>I have a nice skillet (probably too small) though.....
>but have wondered if maybe a wok is the better "tool"
>for me?
>Can someone give this neophyte cook some advice on the
>advantages of wok vs BIG skillet?
There is a theory that the tool determines how you use it (idiots
aside). FE: a hammer does not tell the neophyte to use it as a drill,
or to poke holes in leather, but as an instrument for bashing things.
In the same way, the skillet and the wok developed from two different
philosophies/customs of cookery. There's s little overlap but not
I suggest that your background in cooking suggests that the skillet
would be a much more useful too to you, at least in the near term. A
12-15" skillet, or a 12" deep skillet would pretty much meet your
needs, I think, especially given their not inconsiderable weight.
If when you ever start experimenting with Eastern cookery, you may
discover the advantages that woks offer and use them to advantage. I
suggest that the wok is the single most useful cooking utensil ever
invented, save maybe the clay pot.
But: if you have no history or experience with these vessels, go with
the deep 12" skillet or a 15" standard depth skillet and cook to your
heart's content. What matters is the output and whether you're
comfortable with it.
Alex, who wishes you a good holiday season.
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