Pizza Stones (was Do I need/want a wok?)
On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 22:04:39 -0600, "Pete C." >
>Omelet wrote:
>> In article . com>,
>> "Pete C." > wrote:
>Grilled pizza is plenty popular. Those perforated pans do ok, or you can
>use a standard pizza stone. If you use the pizza stone just give it time
>to come up to temp.
>I've shown quite a few people how to use a pizza stone properly at high
>temp, and every one of them has continued to use them this way since it
>really does work a lot better.
>Normally I also do a multi-bake, where I stretch out the crust, brush
>with olive oil, bake it for a few minutes, then top it with the
>pre-cooked toppings and cheese and put it back in the oven to finish and
>melt the cheese. The first bake with olive oil seals the crust so the
>sauce doesn't penetrate and the crust stays crispy, even as leftovers.
I prefer the stone, because it allows the bottom of the pizza dough to
crisp up properly. Preheating is, in my oven, no less than 30 minutes
at 500, but I cook them a little lower. I think this is why perforated
pizza pans work better than plain cookie sheets or solid base pans.
And if you put a frozen pizza on a pan or stone, it will be terrible.
Gummi-yuck! That's why they tell you to put the thing directly on the
I clean the stones in a BGE at 700.