Do I need/want a wok?
James wrote:
>>> Nobody becomes a better cook just because they store their
>>> ingredients in a Sub-Zero refrigerator and they cook in a
>>> $300+ copper core All Clad pan on a Wolf range.
>> In point of fact, yes, they do. If the refrigerator keeps the food in
>> better condition, the final dish will be better. If
>> the expensive pan provides a better cooking environment due to
>> even heat distribution, then the final dish will be better. If
>> the range provides more consistent heat and better control,
>> then the final dish will be better.
> I'll take a bet that I would not know the difference and also that most
> others wouldn't either!
It probably depends on what's being cooked. You could tell the difference
between crisp lettuce and wilted lettuce, couldn't you? Well, the Sub-Zero
refrigerator is better at keeping lettuce crisp. You could tell the
difference between a paella with a layer of crisp rice on the bottom and a
paella with burnt spots on the bottom, couldn't you? Even heat is the
difference between the two.