crazies are out!
On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 15:03:15 -0800, Joseph Littleshoes
> wrote:
>Omelet wrote:
>> In article >,
>> Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
>>>Fresh asparagus is in short supply in the north east at this time
>>>every year but they're in the produce section, only they cost like
>>>$4/lb and not very good quality.... Walmart sells their brand of
>>>canned asparagus for 68?, they work very well cold in salads, good for
>>>soups, and even make great no fat guacamole. The best white noise
>>>machine is a purring cat.
>> I like the idea of making a guacamole with Asparagus and will have to
>> give it a try!
>Have you ever tried canned asparagus?
>That sheldon recommended it is not surprising given the stupidity he
>accuses every one else of its only to be expected that he would
>demonstrate his own lack of intelligence to say nothing of taste in food.
No one at rfc has ever seen any of your cooking... KEYBOARD KOOK... JL
is 100% phucking phoney phake! ESQ... you ain't a good enough esquire
to wipe the sweat off a horse's ass!