Aussie wrote:
> Joseph Littleshoes > wrote in news:cb63$4d0d3dbf$42f82159
> :
>>Omelet wrote:
>>>I like the idea of making a guacamole with Asparagus and will have to
>>>give it a try!
>>Have you ever tried canned asparagus?
> I used to have a friend who only ever ate that canned crap.
> Then I got her and her husband to try my 'marinated and seared' fresh
> asparagus, and they have never gone back to the tinned crap.
> About the only thing it would be good for is as Om suggested, making
> guacamole.
I shudder at the thought
Mr. Joseph Paul Littleshoes Esq.
Domine, dirige nos.
Let the games begin!