Do I need/want a wok?
On 12/18/2010 1:04 PM, Pete C. wrote:
> Sorry, you are confusing "works" with "works as designed". You can
> certainly cook food in a wok placed on an inadequate heat source and it
> will cook the food, however it will not cook it the way a wok is
> intended to cook it. And no, historically you don't find the 50,000
> BTU/Hr wok burners of today, what you do find is wood or charcoal fires
> with comparable temperatures and BTU outputs being used.
The majority of Chinese food is not cooked in huge woks over a superhot
flames. This is like believing that the majority of American food is
cooked on large sheets of hot metal and giant stoves with huge pots.
It's puzzling why anybody would think that food cooked in a professional
setting is anything other than food cooked in a professional setting.
It's also my assumption is that the burners that we use in this country
will provide more heat output than the heat sources of most of the rest
of the world. Get over this "it's not hot enough" kick!
No, my stove doesn't get as hot as a professional's - so what? I never
used a giant wok, nor have I used giant tools or worn a funny hat and
nether does the rest of the world.