In article >,
Omelet > wrote:
> In article >,
> Joseph Littleshoes > wrote:
> > > Have you ever tried any of his suggestions? ;-)
> >
> > I have agreed with some few suggestions he has managed to articulate
> > here with a minimum of null content verbiage.
> >
> > What i object to is not any small and ordinary insight he has
> > demonstrated but rather the continuous barrage of invective with which
> > he routinely inundates this group.
> >
> > He is just generally so unpleasant to read that i no longer do.
> For some reason, I've never been offended by his "invectives" unlike the
> other posters (that tended to be nasty to the point of sheer evil) that
> I've simply killfiled.
> Not quite sure why. Maybe it's his presentation? <shrugs>
> He just has never seemed to be really serious about his "insults" like
> some of the other truly toxic posters have been.
My observation is that Mr. Unmentionable doesn't direct his foul
language towards posters who are obviously female (at least as much).
That's *my* read on the situation. Others may see it differently.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA