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Victor Sack[_1_] Victor Sack[_1_] is offline
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Default ping: Victor re The Hungarian Mrs. Beeton

Jean B. > wrote:

> Remember I mention her, but then I subsequently posted something
> else? I finally ran into my jottings on this author and book.
> Treasure Trove of Hungarian Cookery. Mariska Vizvári. trans:
> Gabriella Molnár. Rev., Caroline Bodoczky. Budapest: Corvina
> Kiadó, 1981? 4th rev. ed.
> From the foreword: the author "(1879-1954) was the Mrs. Beeton
> of Hungary", in addition to being a well-known actress. This
> looks like it warrants close scrutiny.

Ah, that is interesting! Maybe I ought to get the book, too.

Is this just a collection of schematic recipes, or are there discussions
of origins, methods, etc.? Surprisingly, the book is not listed in the
pretty comprehensive bibliography George Lang includes in his book.

> Note that Bodoczky is lacking at least one diacritical mark. I
> need to find the book again or my jottings re missing marks. (I
> haven't figured out how to do them on the laptop. I usually use
> the alt method. I can't use that or any other suggested method.)

I think it is Bodóczky. See

You can always use the Character Map, a utility included with the
Windows OS. However, as far as I am concerned, a much better way is to
use PopChar. It's been available for the Mac platform since something
like 20 years and was originally free; I eventually paid for the "pro"
version, to show my appreciation. There is now a Windows version:
<>, which costs $30.
