Thread: Chefs & tatoos
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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default Chefs & tatoos

On Dec 19, 4:18*pm, Terry Pulliam Burd > wrote:

> I was having breakfast in a diner and *thought* I was being
> circumspect in eyeballing a young lady who had facial tats and a nose
> piercing that had chains attached that were attached on the other end
> to her ear. I was obviously unsuccessful in appearing circumspect, b/c
> she turned and snarled, "What are you lookin' at, lady?" *I said, "I'm
> sorry, but you obviously spent a lot of time, effort and money to
> achieve that look and I was just wondering at it." She gave me a
> suspicious look and thanked me.

I have never been a fan of tattoos. To me, tattoos are a tribal
thing. I think tribal tattoos that actually have a meaning are quite
unique and beautiful. The most beautiful are the Maori warrior

The servers in my restaurant were not allowed to wear piercings or
tattoos that showed outside of their clothing.

I've always thought the looked somehow unclean. But that is just my
opinion........please, if you have tattoos don't take offense, it's
not personal.