Canned Asparagus
Ema Nymton wrote:
> On 12/19/2010 11:30 AM, Jean B. wrote:
>> My mother (a great cook) used canned asparagus for an asparagus
>> salad. This probably started before she had easy access to the real
>> thing. I associate that salad with the canned stuff. That being
>> said, canned asparagus is so slimy--and so unlike fresh asparagus.
>> Yuck. It tastes... unique. Maybe like the can or ???
> In my experience, the only canned vegetables that I like are corn and
> tomatoes. Although I've had canned corn and it was fine, I just prefer
> eating fresh or frozen. Other vegetables taste so different when they
> are canned. As far as asparagus, I will eat it, but it is not my
> favorite vegetable.
> Becca
Yes to corn and tomatoes (for cooking). Sometimes (Barb, cover
your eyes) beets. Legumes, if we are counting them.
Jean B.