Do I need/want a wok?
Chemiker wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 19:42:15 -0500, "Jean B." > wrote:
>> Chemiker wrote:
>>> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 07:40:22 -0800, sf > wrote:
>>>> On 18 Dec 2010 14:38:43 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>>>>> On 2010-12-18, sf > wrote:
>>>>>> paid for their Kitchen Aid mixer.
>>>>> ....or their car or their house. Invalid argument.
>>>> Apparently you don't know how much it costs when not on sale.
>>> Hang in there, I just bought something that may turn out to be a white
>>> elephant. A cuisinart brick oven...........
>>> Alex
>> I wonder how naan would do in this?
> My guess is that it would do well. It's kinda small, though, with
> little (about 8" max) vertical clearance. Pita's might blow up enough
> to hit the upper heating elements if you're careless with your rack
> layout. Does naan puff up much on the stone? I've never made it.
> Alex
It can puff a bit. I have not observed it in the tandoor though,
so it might deflate a bit as it comes out. Maybe someone else
knows. I did see that that one would have to make a rather small
naan though.
Jean B.