On Sun, 19 Dec 2010 23:27:40 -0600, Sqwertz >
>On Sun, 19 Dec 2010 22:59:10 -0500, Jean B. wrote:
>> Dan Abel wrote:
>>> In article >, "Jean B." >
>>> wrote:
>>>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 17:10:58 -0800, Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>>>>>> About the only thing I'd use canned asparagus for is chawanmushi.
>>>>> I would only use it if I wanted my pee to stink.
>>>>> -sw
>>>> My mother (a great cook) used canned asparagus for an asparagus
>>>> salad. This probably started before she had easy access to the
>>>> real thing. I associate that salad with the canned stuff. That
>>>> being said, canned asparagus is so slimy--and so unlike fresh
>>>> asparagus. Yuck. It tastes... unique. Maybe like the can or
>>>> ??? Makes me wonder whether there is an asparagus in a jar, but
>>>> it would still have that rotten texture, I think.
>>> Nope. I got 6000 hits on Google for pickled asparagus costco:
>>> http://www.amazon.com/Gerties-Finest...pping/dp/B0002
>>> X8V6K
>>> Costco sells a two pack of 34.5oz jars. It's seasonal, and sometimes
>>> they carry another brand.
>> Ironically, I had never seen any, but just tonight saw some
>> pickled asparagus (Smith & Wollensky [sp?]). I couldn't quite
>> tell what the texture was. Is it limp and slimy like the canned
>> asparagus?
>Not at all. The ones at Costco were limp, but crisp. I can't
>vouch for the brand you mention, but I have seen a few differet
>brands. I'm spoiled by the ones at Costco. I can see paying $6-$7
>for a 12oz jar when I could get a half gallon from CostCo for just
>slightly more :-) I hope they come back to CostCo soon. Somebody
>yell if you see them.
In season when asparagus are $2/lb you can make your own and fill two
half gallons for the price of one from Costco. And if you save the
pickling juice from a couple of jars you'll be way ahead... did that
with half gallon jars of yummy three bean salad and my own canned