Do I need/want a wok?/Steaming
Went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond yesterday, and had a nice time walking around
and looking. Think I'll go there without the wife and do some shopping. I
don't know why, but I seem to buy more, and shop better alone. ;-)
The amount and styles of woks they had was impressive. I really liked the
one that has the two wood handles, one straight, the other a loop, and I
think a responder to this thread posted a link to it. It was $20, IIRC. It
was impressively heavy.
It would be slightly different use than one with a cover, the grill, and all
that. I really like the covers, and gratings, but I may already have a
cover that will work, and those round gratings from the Dollar Store do just
I really like steaming fish with that combo, as even light flesh fish like
sole will stay together nicely. Laying lemon, onion, or spices on top is
easy, and makes a nice presentation. Juicing up the water with lemon juice,
lime juice, or whatever is simple. I find that steaming in a wok this way
brings out the flavor and texture of most any fish.
Also very good for veggies.
I think I must have one to replace my tired barely adequate electric now
that I have the 15,000 btu burner. Yes, I definitely feel a shopping trip
coming on.
And a new timer.
And one of those new titanium two to a set peelers with the julienne cutter
for $10.
And one of those Micro Files for doing zesting and Parmaesan.
I'm going to have a good Christmas. Santa is going to bring me lots of
gifts this year. Ho Ho Ho!