Canned Asparagus
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 11:26:14 -0500, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> In season when asparagus are $2/lb you can make your own and fill two
> half gallons for the price of one from Costco. And if you save the
> pickling juice from a couple of jars you'll be way ahead... did that
> with half gallon jars of yummy three bean salad and my own canned
> beans.
I'll take a half gallon of CostCo asparagus over a gallon of your
home-pickled asparagus any day.
There is almost 4lbs of asparagus in Costco's version, so it's
already the same price as your home made stuff. Without the hassle
and with a known taste result rather than your made up recipe.