crazies are out!
On Sun, 19 Dec 2010 14:07:48 -0600, Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Joseph Littleshoes > wrote:
>>> Have you ever tried any of his suggestions? ;-)
>> I have agreed with some few suggestions he has managed to articulate
>> here with a minimum of null content verbiage.
>> What i object to is not any small and ordinary insight he has
>> demonstrated but rather the continuous barrage of invective with which
>> he routinely inundates this group.
>> He is just generally so unpleasant to read that i no longer do.
> For some reason, I've never been offended by his "invectives" unlike the
> other posters (that tended to be nasty to the point of sheer evil) that
> I've simply killfiled.
> Not quite sure why. Maybe it's his presentation? <shrugs>
> He just has never seemed to be really serious about his "insults" like
> some of the other truly toxic posters have been.
jesus christ.