Chefs & tatoos
On Dec 21, 1:30*pm, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Dec 2010 04:24:43 -0800 (PST), A Moose in Love
> > wrote:
> >On Dec 20, 3:44*pm, Dave Smith > wrote:
> >> On 20/12/2010 3:00 PM, Miche wrote:
> >> >> Tattoos and piercings have no health benefit, no cultural mandate in
> >> >> general US culture (I realize some native tribes mandate it... I'm not
> >> >> talking about that). For the general public, tattoos and piercings are
> >> >> "self-expression". And in my opinion, they are nothing more than
> >> >> permanent disfigurement. You wanna disfigure your body, be my guest,
> >> >> but don't make me have to look at it.
> >> > Who's holding you down and forcing you to look at tattoos? *Shouldn't
> >> > your beef be with them rather than the tattooed people?
> >> When someone is exposing them in public you really don't have much
> >> choice about seeing it.
> >> The way I figure it is that if someone gets the number and type of
> >> tattoos, piercings and other body mutilations to make themselves look
> >> like freaks, I reserve the right to look and react as if they are
> >> freaks. *It is not like *a strange skin condition, natural ugliness or
> >> accidental dismemberment. When you do something that is bound to attract
> >> attention you have to realize that you won`t always get the positive
> >> feedback. And let`s face it, the people with the most bizarre tats and
> >> mutilations are doing it for the shock value.
> >And then there are the kids who walk around with their jeans pulled
> >halfway down their backsides. *You can't help but notice their stupid
> >underwear. *You can then choose to look away, but it's already too
> >late.
> You needn't look far for sensibility offending stupidity... read
> usenet. *No one makes you look at tattoos... I find folks displaying
> religious items far more offensive than a nose stud... wearing say a
> crucifix is far more a mutilation than a butterfly tat on a tit,
> thumping a bible indicates your brain is mutilated.
I don't wear a crucifix or any other religious item. Or any 'bling'
for that matter except for a watch. Tattoos are there. Many times
they are in your face because they are so obvious. We differ in our
opinions I guess. I think nose studs are stupid looking. I'd say
that if you are a bible thumper, you may suffer from some sort of
psychosis. I also say that if you are a tat freak, you may suffer
from some kind of group think go along bot kind of thinking. Being
tattooed does not make you an individual apart from the crowd if
that's what you are thinking. Tat people that I have spoken to think
highly of having tats. They think it's cool. Define cool.