An intelligent discussion about food prep.
Steve wrote on Tue, 21 Dec 2010 08:37:42 -0800:
> "Goomba" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Steve B wrote:
>>> "Leon Manfredi" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> Make a Stir Fry Broccoli.....
>>> How many here cannot eat broccoli because of coumadin or
>>> other reasons?
>>> Steve
>> People on coumadin most certainly *can* eat broccoli and
>> other vegetables containing Vit. K. They can eat these
>> vegetables in a routine or consistent basis and not as an
>> occasional pig-out. Their labs will reflect the consistent
>> intake and their dose of coumadin will be prescribed to meet their
>> needs.
> Thank you. I've been taking coumadin now for nearly nine
> years. I didn't know any of that.
> Now, back to the question. Just out of curiosity, and since I
> have a blog and a book that covers this very topic, does
> anyone have anything relevant to add regarding their own
> limitations.
> And yes, people who are on coumadin CAN eat anything. It's
> just that they risk spontaneous hemorrhaging. It's that
> simple.
Don't you have your clotting time measured systematically like once a
month? By the way, it's a long time since the generic warfarin replaced
coumadin but the term "Coumadin Clinic" is still used.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: