Chefs & tatoos
In article >,
Doug Freyburger > wrote:
> Ema Nymton wrote:
> >
> > Prisons will photograph the tattoos on inmates. This one prison in
> > Texas, had the photographs in a binder.
> That's the reason my Dad taught me to oppose tattoos. They are used for
> prisoner identication. I didn't even think about that until high
> school. What if I never end up a criminal? At the time I must have
> thought he meant that having a tattoo identified a person as a criminal.
> That concept didn't wrok well with the WWII veterans in the neighborhood.
> Some folks don't like tattoos. It's a common feeling in many groups.
> Thus to get a tattoo is to knowingly have problems with that set of
> people. Other folks don't care about tattoos. It too is a common
> feeling in many groups. Thus to get a tattoo is to knowingly put a
> limit on yourself. Maybe that's why I've never bothered to get one so
> far.
Until I got one on my arm nobody knew I already had a tattoo on my back,
since it was never visible under street clothes.
How was I limiting myself?
Electricians do it in three phases