Chefs & tatoos
Miche wrote:
> Doug Freyburger > wrote:
>> Some folks don't like tattoos. It's a common feeling in many groups.
>> Thus to get a tattoo is to knowingly have problems with that set of
>> people. Other folks don't care about tattoos. It too is a common
>> feeling in many groups. Thus to get a tattoo is to knowingly put a
>> limit on yourself. Maybe that's why I've never bothered to get one so
>> far.
> Until I got one on my arm nobody knew I already had a tattoo on my back,
> since it was never visible under street clothes.
> How was I limiting myself?
If they are not visible then they don't exist to folks who don't like
them. Out of sight out of mind. Maybe you would have gotten turned
down as a lifeguard at a conservative private beach or whatever.