Chefs & tatoos
In article >,
Doug Freyburger > wrote:
> Miche wrote:
> > Doug Freyburger > wrote:
> >
> >> Some folks don't like tattoos. It's a common feeling in many groups.
> >> Thus to get a tattoo is to knowingly have problems with that set of
> >> people. Other folks don't care about tattoos. It too is a common
> >> feeling in many groups. Thus to get a tattoo is to knowingly put a
> >> limit on yourself. Maybe that's why I've never bothered to get one so
> >> far.
> >
> > Until I got one on my arm nobody knew I already had a tattoo on my back,
> > since it was never visible under street clothes.
> >
> > How was I limiting myself?
> If they are not visible then they don't exist to folks who don't like
> them. Out of sight out of mind. Maybe you would have gotten turned
> down as a lifeguard at a conservative private beach or whatever.
I don't think there are any conservative private beaches in this country.
Electricians do it in three phases