Courage Brewery
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The Submarine Captain
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Courage Brewery
> They do still own the "Courage" labels, right? They're not even
> mentioned on the site. Maybe the brand went elsewhere after the last
> big shuffle in the UK, when Coors bought Bass, etc.?
No, it all happened when Interbrew bought Bass and Whitbread, ScotCo was
never involved in that particular deal.
'Tis about at the same time they took up the brewing side of french
foodie group BSN Danone, that is, Kronenbourg and Alken-Maes
Warning : you may encounter French language beyond this point.
Hélène scrute le troupeau au moyen d'un scrutin, puis elle note les résultats de son scrutelage sur un bulletin en vert, qu'elle s'en va glisser dans une urne, et si l'urne explose, c'est élue a gagné...
Laurent Mousson, Berne, Switzerland
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