Sausage and peppers
0800, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>I'm not sure how to do this. MIL made this all the time but I don't like
>Italian sausages and didn't eat them. I know sometimes she put them in the
>gravy (red sauce) and served over pasta. When she did this, my husband
>would pick them out because he hates the gravy.
I"m not sure what you're looking for-- but this is how I do 'Sausage
and peppers'.
1 pound of sausage, more or less
1-2 large sweet onion
2 large peppers [red or green]
4 tbls olive oil
4 tbls butter
Brown sausage in oils- remove from pan. [if serving with pasta or
rice- now is a good time to cut them up-- We like them on sturdy rolls
& leave them whole]
Cut onion and pepper into strips. Saute until starting to carmelize.
Return sausage to pan, cover and put in a 300 oven for 20-30 minutes.
No Italians in the family-- but this is the way we like sausage.
>I bought some sausage at Costco because it is so cheap there, but I have far
>more than I can use in the casserole recipe. I do plan to make that for
>Christmas morning and also New Year's day. They expire on Jan 1. I do not
>want to put them in the freezer because I know they will never get eaten if
>I do. I will never eat them. Daughter will eat them in the casserole but
>not sure she will eat them otherwise.
IME sausage usually doesn't do that will in the freezer--- but for
some reason the Sam's Club hot gets hotter and the sweet stays
excellent for a couple months.