Thread: Chefs & tatoos
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Aussie Aussie is offline
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Default Chefs & tatoos

Omelet > wrote in newsmpomelet-0346B0.11474022122010

> In article >,
> Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
>> The best analogy is that the foreskin is the male
>> hymen, it needs removal. Every male who has had his foreskin removed
>> later in life has said sex was never this pleasurable...

> Funny, many men that have been circumcised as adults find just the
> opposite:
> <>
> Just a few quotes from that cite:
> "Only men circumcised as adults can experience the difference a foreskin
> makes. In the Journal of Sex Research, Money and Davison from the Johns
> Hopkins University School of Medicine reported on five such men. Changes
> included diminished penile sensitivity and less penile gratification.
> The investigators concluded,
> Erotosexually and cosmetically, the operation is, for the most part,
> contraindicated, and it should be evaluated in terms of possible
> pathological sequelae.( 1)
> Other men circumcised as adults regret the change.
> I play guitar and my fingers get callused from playing. That's
> similar to what happened to my penis after circumcision.( 2)
> After the circumcision there was a major change. It was like night and
> day. I lost most sensation. I would give anything to get the feeling
> back. I would give my house. [This man's physician persuaded him to be
> circumcised by warning he could otherwise get penile cancer. When the
> man complained of the result, the physician replied, "That's normal" and
> would not help him.]( 3)
> Slowly the area lost its sensitivity, and as it did, I realized I had
> lost something rather vital. Stimuli that had previously aroused ecstasy
> had relatively little effect. . . . Circumcision destroys a very joyful
> aspect of the human experience for males and females.( 4) "
> Etc.

All I see is a couple of whiners lamenting the loss of a piece of skin.

I was done as a child, I don't remember it being done, I don't remember
any pain, it has not affected me mentally in any way shape of form having
lost that piece of skin.

I have also 'used it' quite effectively most of my life, and continue to
use it to this day. "Loss of sensation""??? What a pile of shit!!

I think the detractors above might be lamenting the fact that they now
have to go out and find a real woman to experience the feeling of having
flesh around their penis, rather than just sitting at home having a wank.

Peter Lucas

A good friend would drive 30 miles at 2:00 am to bail you out of jail.
A best friend, however, would be sitting in the cell next to you saying
"Man, that was f******n Awesome!"