Chefs & tatoos
On 12/22/2010 2:56 PM, Doug Freyburger wrote:
> Being permanent they are more important than transient decorations, or
> should be viewed as such. Tattoos are definitely a way to express your
> personality through decorations. Because I can take jewelry off I
> think that should give tattoos a larger import. I almost never take off
> my wedding ring but I can do so and it does come off every so often
> even if it's only to confirm that I can still take it off. With a
> tattoo it takes a medical procedure with a recovery healing time to
> remove it.
> The reasons for getting a tattoo range from viewing them as lightly as
> jewelry to viewing them as acts of heritage, devotion, personal
> transistion.
Not replying to the religious aspect because I don't care about that one
way or the other. But to me just because I can't take it off doesn't
mean I view tats any different from clothing, jewelry, or any other
adornment. And, I really don't give a shit what others think of them.
Having them doesn't change my life one way or the other. It's just ink.
Big deal.