In article >,
Dave Smith > wrote:
> On 22/12/2010 12:47 PM, Omelet wrote:
> >
> >
> > <>
> >
> > Just a few quotes from that cite:
> >
> > "Only men circumcised as adults can experience the difference a foreskin
> > makes. In the Journal of Sex Research, Money and Davison from the Johns
> > Hopkins University School of Medicine reported on five such men. Changes
> > included diminished penile sensitivity and less penile gratification.
> > The investigators concluded,
> >
> > Erotosexually and cosmetically, the operation is, for the most part,
> > contraindicated, and it should be evaluated in terms of possible
> > pathological sequelae.( 1)
> > Other men circumcised as adults regret the change.
> >
> > I play guitar and my fingers get callused from playing. That's
> > similar to what happened to my penis after circumcision.( 2)
> Oh poppycock. I know about blisters on your fingers from guitar
> playing. You don't get blisters on your dick from not having a foreskin.
> That is every bit as preposterous as comparing it to female circumcision.
> The last time I saw my brother in law he was talking about circumcision
> and a suggestion he had heard that uncircumszed men had more
> sensitivity. We agreed that we could not imagine being more sensitive.
> How much could handle?
We'll never really know, will we?
I'm not upset about being circumcised. That's what they did back then.
What's done is done, and there's no sense getting upset about it. In
fact, I'm not sure it's really that big a deal. But I don't really
know. But, in any case, just because I had it done without my consent,
doesn't mean it always has to be that way. Our sons aren't circumcised.
The doctors, some 30 years ago, said it wasn't necessary or recommended,
but they would do it if we signed the papers. Well, the doctors'
recommendations were good enough for us. The doctor who delivered our
second child recommended against it, and we didn't have it done. He
circumcised his own children, for religious reasons. He was sued for
"genital mutilation" by some ex-wife.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA