First prime rib roast
On Wed, 22 Dec 2010 08:56:28 -0800, sf > wrote:
>On Wed, 22 Dec 2010 07:32:51 -0800, "Bob Terwilliger"
> wrote:
>> Gloria wrote:
>> >> My guess it don't matter much what temperature you start at - you pull
>> >> the roast out at the same internal temperature anyway.
>> >
>> > The major difference is the texture of the outside edges. Starting at
>> > high temp gives you a crisp, brown outer layer.
>> Cooking at a low temperature and then searing just before serving also gives
>> you a crisp, brown outer layer -- and when you bring it to the table, it's
>That involves another step and possibly another pan. You don't let
>the meat rest? It won't be sizzling after 30-60 seconds.
Some crank up the oven temperature just before removing the roast like
how they put on their shoes before their socks, but normal folks start
the roast at a high searing setting and crank it down after like 15
minutes... this gives more contol over ultimate doneness, much less
chance over overcooking... that's how meat is seared by people who
actually cook instead how fiction writers pound out fercocktah
keyboard kookery.