Chefs & tatoos
atec77 > wrote in -
> On 23/12/2010 6:49 AM, Aussie wrote:
>>> shower and actually washing help heaps
>> That's all well and good if you have daily access to a shower. When
>> out bush for up to 12 weeks at a time, it makes it kinda hard to go
>> every morning to have a shower and wash your foreskin out.
>> Even more-so when you're traipsing around in a tropical jungle for 3-4
>> weeks.
> fruitless response
>>> I see brooksy has it all arse about but then it's no surprise
>>> quite the booby
>> "Brooksy" = "sheldumb"??
>> Either way, I've had it killfiled for quite a few years.
> personally I can't see your arguement ,
Blind people usually can't.
> if a person is in that situation
> the concession might be made as an adult BUT to systematically mutilate
> a child just in case has no worth
It's quite obvious by your resposes that you're a passionate "anti"
snipping person, so *nothing* that is going to be said is going to get
through that veil you have over your eyes or the fingers you have stuck in
your ears.
End of discussion.
Peter Lucas
A good friend would drive 30 miles at 2:00 am to bail you out of jail.
A best friend, however, would be sitting in the cell next to you saying
"Man, that was f******n Awesome!"