Thread: Chefs & tatoos
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Aussie Aussie is offline
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Default Chefs & tatoos

Omelet > wrote in newsmpomelet-C677EE.20372622122010

> In article >,
> Dave Smith > wrote:
>> Oh poppycock. I know about blisters on your fingers from guitar
>> playing.

> I've played guitar. You don't get blisters, you get calluses. The skin
> toughens and you can lose some touch sensitivity.

Well, we (males) certainly don't get calluses on our dicks.

It's an urban myth that you lose sensitivity when you have a circumcision.

Peter Lucas

A good friend would drive 30 miles at 2:00 am to bail you out of jail.
A best friend, however, would be sitting in the cell next to you saying
"Man, that was f******n Awesome!"