My Best Of 2003
"JTSherman" > wrote in message
> Dan Iwerks <dan_iwerksatyahoodottcom> wrote in message
> > Hey now, them's fighting words. I agree it's not as
good as Perkuno's
> > Hammer, but I don't get Heavyweight here, so I can't get
it regularly.
> > Thought Dominion's version was pretty darn good.
Certainly didn't match
> > up to Heavyweight's version, but that's like saying
every Belgian ale
> > sucks because it's not quite as good as Westy 12.
> True that Heavyweight beers are not sold in VA, but they
are sold in
> MD, and a short trip over the Potomac will yield some
> beers. I have to take those trips over to MD, just to get
a steady
> supply of Magic Hat beers, and its always nice to get a
visit or too
> in at BBC and The Brewers Art. Stylistically I don't find
Winter Brew
> '03 as accurate as the Hammer, but I wouldn't go so far as
to say that
> is was a dissapointment. Sure it could have been better, I
would have
> liked to see the abv higher as well, but I didn't find it
at all
> lacking. It was a very tasty, very drinkable dark lager.
Not quite up
> to snuff with most of the Baltics or the Hammer, but not
miles away
> either.
I'd agree with what you said, although I suspect my
disappointment was due to high expectations.