My Best Of 2003
"Dan Iwerks" <dan_iwerksatyahoodottcom> wrote in message
> "Bruce Reistle" > wrote
> :
> >> Yeah. It was a bit disappointing. I wouldn't go sucked
> > all, but
> >> disappointing, yeah. Although people in DC Metro
> > it was great. They
> >> need more good Baltics.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Lew Bryson
> >
> > In general, the DC area cannot compare with, say, the
> > area. Example: Shiner products are starting to
> > the taps at good beer bars. I had some respect for
> > in Houston because for each Shiner sold, that meant one
> > Bud was sold.
> Eh, the DC area's pretty disappointing tap-wise. There's
more or less a
> giant dead zone in between Arlington and Old Dominion out
in Ashburn with
> only a few options like Hard Times or Lost Dog to get
something decent on
> draft. Cap City's OK and I'm not a huge Swee****er fan (I
live right
> near it and never go), but I'm largely annoyed that there
isn't a better
> bar scene here in suburbian hell.
I live near Lost Dog. Very pricey. They serve expensive
cheater pints, and don't list the prices for the bottled
beers, which are overpriced.
> Uh, yeah, well. It's like the Brick, except without the
charm, and it's
> got lousy expensive food instead of lousy cheap food. I
go there for
> beer dinners and tastings, and eat in Chinatown first.
Then again, I
> live a half-mile outside the Beltway, so my credibility's
probably shot.
RFD lacks personality. Personality goes a long way.