On Dec 25, 12:48*pm, Bryan > wrote:
> On Dec 25, 8:43*am, notbob > wrote:
> > Interesting study about high rate of strokes from eating fried fish.
> > Uhmmm... isn't this "belt" also notorious for fried foods other than
> > fish?
> >http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40795126...and_nutrition/
> Plenty of dumb hicks outside the South too. *Poor folks are more
> likely to fry in shortening.
Wow, where do you get your facts? I've been poor my whole life, and I
don't fry in shortening, I don't eat foods fried in shortening, and I
didn't grow up on foods fried in shortening! You sure have a thing
about "poor white trash", did you grow up in a trailer park or
something? Or are you one of those reformed drunks/AA/NA types that
are so *superior* to the rest of us mere mortals now that you have
*recovered*? Reminds me of my sister, she used to bitch and moan
about people smoking. Well it turns out she now has a two pack a day
habit. Hehhhhhh