My first rib roast...success! Photos included
Captain Peter Swallows showed her obsession:
> (Snipped the obsessive rantings of either Boobie Twitiliger or its equally
> psychotically obsessed mate Spurtz......)
>> Pics? This is a text only newsgroup. Since when does *anyone* need to
>> post
>> 'pics' to rfc in order to legitimize themselves here?
> Oh dear!! Sounds *very* much like Boobie to me......
> *and* it doesn't seem to know or understand that when we talk about 'pics'
> on
> rfc, it's usually links to members photo websites, or a Tinypic url...
> Poor sad little Boobie....... what a fool/tool.
Oh dear!! Sounds *very* much like Swallows' paranoia has gotten the better
of her AGAIN!
The fact that someone else brings up a valid point which I've made in the
past in no way indicates that the poster is me.
Poor sad little Swallows..... what a fool/semen receptacle.