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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Christmas Dinner

On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 03:26:04 -0600, Andy > wrote:

>projectile vomit chick > wrote:
>> On Dec 26, 5:41*am, "Bob Terwilliger" >
>> wrote:
>> *snip Keyboard Kooking
>>> Baked Potato: A single Idaho potato about the size of Boise, rubbed
>>> with

>> oil
>>> and baked until soft inside and crisp outside. Best baked potato I've
>>> had all year! (Well, it's not like I have baked potatoes often; I've
>>> been low-carbing for a while now...)

>> What a pretentious asshole, bragging up a ****in' potato. LOL
>> You two must weigh 600 that's not
>> combined......hahahahahaaaa

>On The History channel "Modern Marvels: 'The Potato'" a statistic was
>mentioned that the average American eats an average of 140 pounds of
>potatoes a year.
>I didn't come close to 10 pounds.

Most eat a lot more than 10 pounds but I doubt that 140 pounds...
maybe per household. I buy not quite a five pound bag a month (more
like 10 bags a year) but I don't eat anywhere near those five pounds,
there is always waste to pare away and at least one sick spud, more
than a pound out of every five pound bag is discarded. I think it is
more advantageous to buy the loosies, and I used to on Lung Guyland,
but here they charge twice as much per pound for those than bagged. I
think nowadays most spuds are consummed as fast food fries, then it's
probably more than the 140 pounds per. I can't remember the last time
I ate fast food let alone those awful shoestring potatoes... those
skinny grease bombs ain't really french fries... any skinnier they'd
qualify as potato sticks. Most folks in the US have never eaten
french fried potatoes, and whatever fries they do eat are certainly
not made from fresh.