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Janet Janet is offline
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Default English(?) Toffee Questions

Sqwertz wrote:
> I think the non-stick helped the mixture from recrystalizing. I
> also did the pasty brush thing, but it seemed unnecessary. When I
> would use a bare SS pan the bubbles would stick to the sides. But
> not this time.
> -sw

My toffee recipe doesn't use cream. (I'm not familiar with the JOC version.)
It starts off with sugar, corn syrup, and water in the pan. After bringing
it to a boil, you cover the pan for 2 minutes. The condensation from steam
washes down the sugar crystals from the sides of the pan. One then adds the
butter, which prevents further crystalization.

Whether this will work depends on the amount of liquid in the initial sugar
mixture. I tried it when I started making caramels, but it didn't produce
enough steam to condense and wash down the crystals, so I wash them down
with a wet brush instead. Frankly, I'm not absolutely sure whether that step
is necessary for caramels, but I figure better safe than sorry! <G>

I'm familiar with baking soda as the additive that changes the texture of
the cooked sugar mixture at the end, in both toffee/buttercrunch and caramel
corn. I'd assume that cream of tartar serves the same purpose.