phaeton > writes:
Good post, phaeton.
> you think? When I say "BBQ Pulled Pork", what will over 80% of this
> ng think I'm talking about?
The question is, how much do YOU really care.
> I guess the moral of the story is not to get too bent up on labels.
> Just enjoy the content. Remember the beer can shim story in Zen and
> The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
No, but I've used them, and even more obscure items over the years. I
started to read it, but gave up when my eyes glazed over out of sheer
boredom. Reminds me of the treatise another zen freak gave on washing
rice. "I saw the rice. I felt the rice. I felt the water. My fingers
moved in the rice and the water. I smelt the rice. I became one with
the rice. I was the rice." Sure pal! ...and yer brain is the size of
a grain of rice!
I can relate to what you're saying, but my response is to jes let it go.
I used to be all pendantic about that kinda crap. Yeah, a pure '32
highboy is better than an all aftermrkt f-glass knockoff.... or is it!?
Sez who? On what level? If you look at the origins of "hot rods", they
were junk yard cars. Chevy axles on ford Ts, Olds rear ends, blah blah
ad nauseam. An old highboy may be authentic, but I don't recall them
coming equipped with a Weland supercharger on a 454cid V8. And would
you wanna go smokin' down the road at 100+ mph in a 70 yr old hunk of
iron with metal fatigue screaming from every Detroit steel pore?
BTW, you seem to know a bit about cars. Could it have anything to do
with you nick, phaeton?