Dogfish Olde School
Dave Witzel > wrote:
>"Bruce Reistle" > wrote:
>> "Dave Witzel" > wrote:
>>> This is your first experience with Olde School? Seriously, it's
>>> been around since last year, and I figured a few bottles were
>>> lying around waiting for you when you checked into the DC area.
>> Keep in mind I've only been here a few months, and this is
>> the first time it has hit the shelves. Virgin territory,
>> for me.
>Disregarding the easy bait, there was none about on tap or on shelves
>in the fall around there? Mind-boggling. Plus, I can't believe you
>couldn't get your hands on this in Houston.
I'd bet more than 50% of the population can get their hands
on.... oops, wrong thread.
We get (and "get") Dogfish Head beers up here in flyover
country, but have never seen the Olde School. Rumor has it
that we *may* be getting a few bottles in very soon, but
I'm not holding my breath.
Joel Plutchak "Senza la birra tutto diventa orfano."
plutchak@[...] - Italian proverb (slightly revised)